You Need Physical Therapy as a Runner

Hey there Reader

As a runner, you may feel invincible, but the reality is, 80% of runners will face an injury at some point. That’s where physical therapy (PT) comes in—not just to treat injuries but to prevent them from happening in the first place!

Why Should Runners See a Physical Therapist?

  1. Prevent Injuries Before They Happen You don’t have to wait for an injury to occur to benefit from PT. By addressing movement imbalances and mechanical issues early, we can prevent common injuries like runner’s knee, shin splints, and Achilles tendinitis. Think of it as a proactive approach to keeping you on the road, injury-free!
  2. Optimize Your Gait Even subtle flaws in your running form can lead to overuse injuries. Through a personalized gait analysis, we can correct your form and make you a more efficient, injury-resistant runner. This means you’ll not only prevent injuries but also improve your speed and endurance.
  3. Boost Recovery After Tough Workouts After a long run or a hard training session, your body needs help to recover properly. Physical therapy offers techniques like manual therapy and customized exercises to accelerate recovery, reduce soreness, and improve mobility. This helps you get back to your training feeling strong and ready for your next challenge.

Start a Customized 1:1 Coaching Program!

Whether you’re dealing with an injury, looking to improve your form, or want to prevent future injuries, I’m here to help! My 1:1 coaching and customized 8-week physical therapy programs are designed to keep you running strong and injury-free. We’ll tailor everything to your unique needs, ensuring you reach your goals without the setbacks of pain or injury.

Weekly Runner's Prehab

A weekly workout that includes runner specific full body strength workout, mobility work, and prehab exercises to keep... Read more

Customized Physical Therapy Program

This customized home rehab program is for those dealing with minor injuries (i.e. Achilles tendonitis, plantar... Read more

“You didn’t get this far to only go this far.” —Ben Alldis

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10 Week Return to Run

Whether you are a beginner, returning after a break, or returning after an injury this is the program for you.
Over the... Read more

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Keep Running!

Doc Abby

The Runner Doc

Helping you stay injury free and on the road (or trail) running!

The Runner Doc

A Doctor of Physical Therapy keeping runners of all shapes and sizes injury free. Running Tips, home workouts, & rehab. Strength and Injury Prevention for Runners

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